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2025 Budget Vote & Trustee Election

Registered voters in the Mattituck-Laurel Library District will be voting on the proposed 2025 budget as well as elect two (2) trustees, to fill two (2) at-large seats, each with a three-year term commencing November 18, 2024 and expiring November 8, 2027.

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May Grab and Go: String Art

Unleash your creativity with our String Art kits! Take home everything you need to craft beautiful string art designs, perfect for a relaxing DIY project. Kits can be picked up at Reference. 

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From the Director's Desk - May / June 2024

The ospreys have returned to their nests, the forsythia have bloomed, and signs of spring are everywhere. I hope you have been enjoying the season and are looking forward to the summer after a really wet winter - I know I am!

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National Library Week 2024: Ready, Set, Library!

National Library Week is here (April 7 – 13)!

Each year we celebrate National Library Week, which is an annual celebration highlighting the valuable role libraries, librarians, and library workers play in transforming lives and strengthening our communities.

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Advocacy Day 2024

Library Advocacy Day is a coordinated day of action for library champions across New York to come together and make sure our voices are heard by lawmakers in Albany.

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February is National Library Lover's Month!

Show Your Community Library some love in the following ways:

Browse the stacks and check out a book, make sure to let the circulation staff know how wonderful they are!

Not sure what to read? Our Readers Advisor, Bev, will personalize recommendations for you.

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Suggestions Needed!

We need teen book recommendations to be featured on our updated library website's teen page! 1 hour of community service will be earned. For more information email

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Welcome to our new website!

Celebrate 120 years of serving our community with an exciting new appearance!

The Mattituck-Laurel Library is delighted to introduce you to our brand-new digital branch.

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